OKAY, I see this.wonderful picture.of Biff.and.Penny…and I even think I see Angel Gabby and Ange l Sunshine hanging out in the clouds watching.over everybody…..but I don’t see.any printed commentary!
Am I.just missing something or has the world.of.cyberspae erased.yout.entry??
The pictures are BEAUTIFUL though,! The pups who find you are the luckiest pups in the world!
I’ll keep checking back!
Sending.love to all!
Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!
Sometimes the message is between the words! 😀 Seriously this was just a rest stop on a long trip, and it happened to be a lovely picture. All they really said was “woof” and “rawr”.
OKAY, I see this.wonderful picture.of Biff.and.Penny…and I even think I see Angel Gabby and Ange l Sunshine hanging out in the clouds watching.over everybody…..but I don’t see.any printed commentary!
Am I.just missing something or has the world.of.cyberspae erased.yout.entry??
The pictures are BEAUTIFUL though,! The pups who find you are the luckiest pups in the world!
I’ll keep checking back!
Sending.love to all!
Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!
And the world stopped to listen!
Now, what did they saaaaaaaayyyy? Oh wise ones, do tell!
(It’s great to see your hoppy faces!)
Sometimes the message is between the words! 😀 Seriously this was just a rest stop on a long trip, and it happened to be a lovely picture. All they really said was “woof” and “rawr”.